Always up to date
Interested parties and the press can find all relevant news items and background information about Scholz in our news section.Information for the Media
02/07/2024 | Autocirc and Scholz Group sign Letter of Intent to expand European market reach
01/04/2024 | Scholz releases sustainability report 2022
05/10/2023 | Caring Aid | Opening of Kovosrot Group CZ Yard in Plzen
13/02/2023 | Caring Aid | Scholz Donates Materials to Turkey Earthquake-stricken Area
16/12/2022 | Groundbreaking Ceremony of Qishun ELV project
11/05/2021 | Scholz announced new recycling park in Taizhou
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+49 7365 8470
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Contact for media enquiriers:
Frank Elsner
Frank Elsner Kommunikation GmbH
Tel: 0049 5404 91 92 12